
Friday, May 05, 2006

[Tatting] How Do I Use This?

Tatting Lace Cross Bookmark
Originally uploaded by Garyou.
It's been a long time since I finished the last tatted work. It was so long ago that I cannot tell when.
But tatting always makes me delightful.

This is the pattern from Georgia Seitz's Online Tatting Class adopted by Vickie Reynolds, originally a Mary Konior's Black Magic in _Tatting with Visual Patterns_.

I've made some Black Magic bookmarks before. I really love to tat them. I'm not a bookmark-person for I usually don't care to use one. The reason I tat bookmark is because it is portable, small, and fun to make.

But I tend to avoid these cross bookmarks. The crossbar seems a little annoying when you use it. You just put under the crossbar between the pages?
Maybe. But that wouldn't look nice, would it?

Anyway, I'm a process-tatter, especially on tatted bookmarks. This one would go straight into my stash as predecessors did.
